
 Usage: makejinja [OPTIONS]                                                                                             

 makejinja can be used to automatically generate files from Jinja templates.                                            
 Instead of passing CLI options, you can also write them to a file called makejinja.toml in your working directory.     
 Note: In this file, options may be named differently. Please refer to the file makejinja/ to see their actual 
 names. You will also find an example here: makejinja/tests/data/makejinja.toml. To override its location, you can set  
 the environment variable MAKEJINJA_SETTINGS to the path of your config file.                                           

╭─ Input/Output ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│    --input                      -i  PATH  Path to a directory containing template files or a single template file.   │
│                                           It is passed to Jinja's FileSystemLoader when creating the environment.    │
│                                           Note: This option may be passed multiple times to pass a list of values.   │
│                                           If a template exists in multiple inputs, the last value with be used.      │
│ *  --output                     -o  PATH  Path to a directory where the rendered templates are stored. makejinja     │
│                                           preserves the relative paths in the process, meaning that you can even use │
│                                           it on nested directories.                                                  │
│                                           [required]                                                                 │
│    --include-pattern,--include  -I  TEXT  Glob patterns to search for files in inputs. Accepts all pattern supported │
│                                           by fnmatch. If a file is matched by this pattern and does not end with the │
│                                           specified jinja-suffix, it is copied over to output. Multiple can be       │
│                                           provided. Note: Do not add a special suffix used by your template files    │
│                                           here, instead use the jinja-suffix option.                                 │
│                                           [default: **/*]                                                            │
│    --exclude-pattern,--exclude  -E  TEXT  Glob patterns pattern to exclude files matched. Applied against files      │
│                                           discovered through include_patterns. Multiple can be provided.             │
│    --jinja-suffix                   TEXT  File ending of Jinja template files. All files with this suffix in inputs  │
│                                           matched by pattern are passed to the Jinja renderer. This suffix is not    │
│                                           enforced for individual files passed to inputs. Note: Should be provided   │
│                                           with the leading dot. If empty, all files are considered to be Jinja       │
│                                           templates.                                                                 │
│                                           [default: .jinja]                                                          │
│    --keep-jinja-suffix                    Decide whether the specified jinja-suffix is removed from the file name    │
│                                           after rendering.                                                           │
│    --keep-empty                           Some Jinja template files may be empty after rendering (e.g., if they only │
│                                           contain macros that are imported by other templates). By default, we do    │
│                                           not copy such empty files. If there is a need to have them available       │
│                                           anyway, you can adjust that.                                               │
│    --copy-metadata              -m        Copy the file metadata (e.g., created/modified/permissions) from the input │
│                                           file using shutil.copystat                                                 │
╭─ Jinja Environment ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --data         -d  PATH                              Load variables from yaml/yml/toml/json files for use in your    │
│                                                      Jinja templates. The definitions are passed to Jinja as         │
│                                                      globals. Can either be a file or a directory containing files.  │
│                                                      Note: This option may be passed multiple times to pass a list   │
│                                                      of values. If multiple files are supplied, beware that previous │
│                                                      declarations will be overwritten by newer ones.                 │
│ --data-var     -D  KEY=VALUE                         Load variables from the command line for use in your Jinja      │
│                                                      templates. The definitions are applied after loading the data   │
│                                                      from files. When using dotted keys (e.g.,, the      │
│                                                      value is converted to a nested dictionary. Consequently, you    │
│                                                      can override values loaded from files. Note: This option may be │
│                                                      passed multiple times.                                          │
│ --plugin       -p  TEXT                              Use custom Python code to adjust the used Jinja environment to  │
│                                                      your needs. The specified Python file should export a class     │
│                                                      containing a subset of the following functions: filters,        │
│                                                      globals, data, and extensions. In addition, you may add an      │
│                                                      __init__ function that receives two positional arguments: the   │
│                                                      created Jinja environment and the data parsed from the files    │
│                                                      supplied to makejinja's data option. This allows you to apply   │
│                                                      arbitrary logic to makejinja. An import path can be specified   │
│                                                      either in dotted notation (your.custom.Plugin) or with a colon  │
│                                                      as object delimiter (your.custom:Plugin). Note: This option may │
│                                                      be passed multiple times to pass a list of values.              │
│ --import-path      DIRECTORY                         In order to load plugins or Jinja extensions, the PYTHONPATH    │
│                                                      variable needs to be patched. The default value works for most  │
│                                                      use cases, but you may load other paths as well.                │
│                                                      [default: (current working directory)]                          │
│ --extension    -e  TEXT                              List of Jinja extensions to use as strings of import paths. An  │
│                                                      overview of the built-in ones can be found on the project       │
│                                                      website. Note: This option may be passed multiple times to pass │
│                                                      a list of values.                                               │
│ --undefined        [default|chainable|debug|strict]  Whenever the template engine is unable to look up a name or     │
│                                                      access an attribute one of those objects is created and         │
│                                                      returned. Some operations on undefined values are then allowed, │
│                                                      others fail. The closest to regular Python behavior is strict   │
│                                                      which disallows all operations beside testing if it is an       │
│                                                      undefined object.                                               │
│                                                      [default: default]                                              │
╭─ Jinja Whitespace ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --lstrip-blocks/--no-lstrip-blocks                        If this is set to True, leading spaces and tabs are        │
│                                                           stripped from the start of a line to a block.              │
│                                                           [default: lstrip-blocks]                                   │
│ --trim-blocks/--no-trim-blocks                            If this is set to True, the first newline after a block is │
│                                                           removed (block, not variable tag!).                        │
│                                                           [default: trim-blocks]                                     │
│ --keep-trailing-newline/--strip-trailing-newline          Preserve the trailing newline when rendering templates.    │
│                                                           The default is False, which causes a single newline, if    │
│                                                           present, to be stripped from the end of the template.      │
│                                                           [default: keep-trailing-newline]                           │
│ --newline-sequence                                  TEXT  The sequence that starts a newline. The default is         │
│                                                           tailored for UNIX-like systems (Linux/macOS).              │
╭─ Jinja Delimiters ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --delimiter-block-start       TEXT  The string marking the beginning of a block.                                     │
│                                     [default: {%]                                                                    │
│ --delimiter-block-end         TEXT  The string marking the end of a block.                                           │
│                                     [default: %}]                                                                    │
│ --delimiter-comment-start     TEXT  The string marking the beginning of a comment.                                   │
│                                     [default: {#]                                                                    │
│ --delimiter-comment-end       TEXT  The string marking the end of a comment.                                         │
│                                     [default: #}]                                                                    │
│ --delimiter-variable-start    TEXT  The string marking the beginning of a print statement.                           │
│                                     [default: {{]                                                                    │
│ --delimiter-variable-end      TEXT  The string marking the end of a print statement.                                 │
│                                     [default: }}]                                                                    │
╭─ Jinja Prefixes ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --prefix-line-statement    TEXT  If given and a string, this will be used as prefix for line based statements.       │
│ --prefix-line-comment      TEXT  If given and a string, this will be used as prefix for line based comments.         │
╭─ Shell Hooks ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --exec-pre     TEXT  Shell commands to execute before rendering.                                                     │
│ --exec-post    TEXT  Shell commands to execute after rendering.                                                      │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --version  -v    Show the version and exit.                                                                          │
│ --clean    -c    Whether to remove the output directory if it exists.                                                │
│ --force    -f    Whether to overwrite existing files in the output directory.                                        │
│ --quiet    -q    Print no information about the rendering process.                                                   │
│ --help     -h    Show this message and exit.                                                                         │

 2.. include:: ../
 5from pathlib import Path
 7import rich_click as click
 8import typed_settings as ts
10from makejinja.config import OPTION_GROUPS, Config
12from .app import makejinja
14__all__: list[str] = []
16click.rich_click.USE_MARKDOWN = True
17click.rich_click.OPTION_GROUPS = OPTION_GROUPS
19_ts_loaders = ts.default_loaders(
20    appname="makejinja", config_files=(Path("makejinja.toml"),)
24@click.command("makejinja", context_settings={"help_option_names": ("--help", "-h")})
25@click.version_option(None, "--version", "-v")
26@ts.click_options(Config, _ts_loaders)
27def makejinja_cli(config: Config):
28    """makejinja can be used to automatically generate files from [Jinja templates](
30    Instead of passing CLI options, you can also write them to a file called `makejinja.toml` in your working directory.
31    **Note**: In this file, options may be named differently.
32    Please refer to the file [`makejinja/`]( to see their actual names.
33    You will also find an example here: [`makejinja/tests/data/makejinja.toml`](
34    To override its location, you can set the environment variable `MAKEJINJA_SETTINGS` to the path of your config file.
35    """
37    makejinja(config)
40if __name__ == "__main__":
41    makejinja_cli()